Adapter capabilities

 User authenticationYES
 User profileYES
 User contacts listYES
 Post to user wall / update statusNO
 Access provider APIYES

Adapter specifications

 ID Live
 Protocol OAuth 2
 Keys registeration
 Wrapper ./Hybrid/Providers/Live.php
Callback URL

Registering application

  1. Sign in to the Windows Live application management site (
    Click Add an app on this page.
  2. Type an application name. This is the name that users will see in the Windows Live user interface (UI). The application name should include your company name or the name of your web site.
  3. Generate Application Secret by clicking Generate New Password.
  4. Select Web as a platform by clicking Add Platform.
  5. Provide this URL as Redirect URLs:
  6. Click Save. This action registers your application.