The snippet bellow show how to use Original Facebook and Twitter social apis with HybridAuth:

   $config = dirname(__FILE__) . '/library/hybridauth.php';
   require_once( "library/Hybrid/Auth.php" );

       $hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth( $config );

    # try to authenticate with some providers

       $facebook = $hybridauth->authenticate( "Facebook" );

       $twitter = $hybridauth->authenticate( "Twitter" );

    # now try to play with theses social apis

        # Facebook:
            // ask facebook for friends list
            $response = $facebook->api()->api('/me/friends');

            // Post to the user wall
            $response = $facebook->api()->api("/me/feed", "post", array(
						message => "Hi there",
						picture => "",
						link => "",
						name => "My page name",
						caption => "And caption"

        # Twitter:
            // Returns the current count of friends, followers, updates (statuses) ...
            $response = $twitter->api()->get( 'account/totals.json' );

        // You get the point
   catch( Exception $e ){
       echo "Ooophs, we got an error: " . $e->getMessage();