1. Hello world sample A simple signin script

A very simple sign-in script which will try to directly connect the user with Twitter then grab his complete profile and also access the twitter social api.

How this script work is well explained in this online guide.

2. Sign-in box A basic Proof of concept

A simple user friendly sign-in interface (aka: provider selector UI) which you can integrate, customize, redesign and improve (and hopefully you will share some of your work with the community).

Note: please keep on mind, this example is just a proof of concept! it works good enough to try out on Firefox and Chrome.

3. Tiny Social Hub

This exapmle show how users can login with providers using HybridAuth. It also show how to grab their profile, update their status or to grab their freinds list from services such as facebook and twitter.

4. Sign-in/Sign-up Users

An attempt to put together an answer to how to sign-in/sign-up users using HybridAuth in an existing web application.

This exapmle provide a simple implementation of the whole sign-in/sign-up process on a homemade MVC micro framework.

5. Basic Facebook integration

A VERY basic example which show how to integrate Facebook Javascript SDK side by side with HybridAuth.