User’s Activity Stream

Similarly to the user’s profile, after authentication, Hybridauth can provide the connected user activity stream in a simple and standardized structure across the social APIs supporting this feature.

If a provider does not support this feature, Hybridauth will throw an exception NotImplementedException. To know more about providers capabilities, refer to Supported Providers .

Usage :

// Instantiate Twitter Adapter
$twitter = new Hybridauth\Provider\Twitter($config);

// Sign in with twitter.

// Retrieve User's latest tweets.
$timeline = $adapter->getUserActivity('me'); // Returns an array of Hybridauth\User\Activity objects.

// Iterate over the user's timeline.
foreach ($timeline as $item) {
    echo $item->user->displayName . ': ' . $item->text . "\n";

Class Hybridauth\User\Activity

This class represents a user’s activity.

Data Members :

Field Name Type Short description
id String Event ID on the provider side
date String Event date of creation. provided as is for now.
text String Activity/event/story content as string.
user stdClass User owner of activity. See section below for its structure.

Sub class Hybridauth\User\Activity::user

This class represents a user’s activity owner.

Data Members :

Field Name Type Short description
identifier String The Unique user ID on the provider side. Usually an interger.
displayName String User display name provided by the provider
profileURL String URL link to profile page on the IDp web site
photoURL String URL link to user photo or avatar

(IDp stands for ID Provider)