

The Apple provider class requires the composer packages firebase/php-jwt and phpseclib/phpseclib. Please ensure these packages are installed.

  • composer require firebase/php-jwt
  • composer require phpseclib/phpseclib

Online documentation

Enable email delivery

Sign in to

Click on “More …” and add domains and email addresses (requires SPF and DKIM, probably also an Apple ID in .well-known)

Keys & IDs

Sign in to


App ID

Create the primary ID for “Sign in” service.

Service ID

Create a service ID of the type Sign in with Apple and assign it to the app ID, then fill in your domains.

The Apple Service ID is your OAuth2 Client ID.

Key ID and private key

Create a new key for your Sign-In Service. This gets you a key ID (under details) and the private key (download)


  • Don’t forget to fill in the key name (there will be no error message if you forget).
  • Downloading the privacy key is only possible once.

Team ID

This is your Account ID at the top right of the account information (2nd line)


  • The secret is generated from a signed JWT (JSON Web Token). Instead of a secret you have to provide your team_id, key_id and key_file or key_content in your configuration. You don’t need to generate a secret yourself.
    "providers" => [
        "Apple" => [
            "enabled" => true,
            "keys" => [
                "id" => "Your Apple ID",
                "team_id" => "Your Apple team id",
                "key_id" => "Your Apple key id",
                "key_content" => "Your Apple key (content including BEGIN and END lines)"
                "key_file" => "Full path to your Apple key file (alternative to key_content)"
            "scope" => "name email",
            "verifyTokenSignature" => true
  • The token returned after authentication is a signed JWT. Validating requires an a additional library. It can be disabled by setting "verifyTokenSignature" => false in the configuration.

  • The current default value for response_mode is form_post (you can overrule it with query or fragment if you don’t have a scope defined). If a scope is defined, Apple always sends the code value as a POST request (Facebook and Google return the code as a query parameter).

FAQs / reasons for authentication failures

  • Missing first/last/display name in getUserProfile(): Apple sends this information only on the very first time the user authorizes the app (see, so you have only one chance to save this information. To receive this data for a second time, you have to revoke your authorization first:
  • Have the right id (= Service ID, usually in reverse domain name notation e.g. “”), team id, key id and the full path to your private key file configured.
  • Make sure you have your domain(s) configured correctly in your Service ID.
  • Your server must have the time set correctly (use ntpdate), otherwise signature validation might fail